Sponsor Logo Specs & Illustration

To save time & coach's frustrations, we highly recommend submitting perfectly clean (no staples, creases, scratches, folds, dirt, etc.) business cards with company logos & information. We can photograph these business cards to generate appropriate print-ready artwork for your sponsors on the banner. If your sponsors insist on submitting digital artwork, there are guidelines we ask you to pass on to them to help us create the best render of their logo on your banner.
PLEASE TELL YOUR SPONSORS that just because their logo looks good on a website or social media does NOT mean it is good enough to print large on your banner. Often times, a website logo is about as large as a postage stamp & when we try to enlarge it big enough to print on your banner, it is very poor quality (see illustration). Remind them that they are donating to help support your team & you (and we) want to make them look their absolute best!
1. High resolution files are an absolute MUST! We MUST HAVE a file size of no less than 2MB (NOT KB) to save time going back & forth via email to get an appropriate file size.
2. We recommend submitting .pdf, .ai, .eps, or .psd file types to give us the opportunity to manipulate their logo for the best possible rendering. .jpg file types are ok but remember.... it HAS to be AT LEAST 2MB (NOT KB) in file size. (not sure how big your file size is? Right click on your logo and go down to "PROPERTIES" and you can find the file size)
3. Ask your sponsors to send you or us the absolute largest file size they have access to. We can always make the file smaller with no problems but lose quality when we have to enlarge one too much. Think of it as a rubber band. You can only stretch a small rubber band so far before it tears or breaks.
4. If they do not have access to a large resolution file, tell them to contact the company that created their logo. They should have the full resolution file & will be happy to share it.
Our typical turnaround time with team banners is one to one and a half weeks once all players are photographed. These specs will help us to expedite your banner much more efficiently so we may get it to you within that time frame. If you have any questions, please feel free to CONTACT US.